Saturday, July 11, 2015

Nature and characteristics of teaching

The widespread notions about the nature and characteristics of teaching can be summarized ass follows

1. A complex social process: Teaching isa complex social phenomenon. It is greatly influenced by the social factors. the social factors. The social and human factors are dynamic and not static and therefore teaching is not a fundamental concept.

2. Both arts as well as science: Teaching is both arts as well as science, as silverman (1978) expresses in the following

to be sure teaching-like the practice of medicine- is very much an art which is say, calls for exercise of talent and creativity

3. A professional Activity:  Teaching is a professional activity involving the teacher and the student, and result in the development of the student

4. Output emanating from teacher: Teaching is what a teacher does with his student for causing the latter to learn something and is thus purely an outcome of the teachers efforts.

5. An organized system of varied action: Teaching is a system of actions that are varied in from and are related to content and pupil behavior in the context of prevailing physical and social conditions.

6. Amenable to scientific observation and analysis: What is going in a teaching can be observed, and analyzed and assessed through teacher behavior, pupil-teacher interaction and the changes brought in the behavior of the pupils

7. Highly dominated by communication skills: The flow of communication with in the teaching elements like teacher sources of teaching, student and the teaching activities make teaching a reality and a success

8. An interactive process: Teaching is an  interactive process carried out for the attainment for some specific purpose and objectives

9. Have various forms and styles: Teaching may ave various forms like formal and informal,  formational, and informational, directional, or instructional, training, conditioning, or indoctrination, telling, showing, or doing, description, or remedial, etc.

10. A specialized task comprising of different teaching skills: Teaching is a specialized task and may be taken as a set component skills for the realization of a specified  set of instructional objectives.

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