Saturday, July 11, 2015

Concept on Learning

Learning occupies a significant role in one's life and is essentially a focal point of the teaching-learning process. What is learning? What is nature and characteristics? To understand such issues related with the concept of learning


Learning situations are the most natural and common in life and everyone of us is learning one thing  or the other although he may not necessarily be aware of it. An individual  starts learning immediately after his birth. While approaching a burning matchstick, the child is burnt and he withdraws. Next time, when he faces a burning matchstick, he takes no time to withdraw himself away
Thus the behavior of an individual is changed  through direct or indirect experiences. this change in behavior brought about by experience is commonly known as learning however, this is a very simple  explanation  of the term learning. But a complete understanding  of the term needs more clarification and exact definition. Some well-known definitions term learning arre as follows:

GARDNER MURPHY (1968: 205): "The term learning covers every modification in behavior to meet environmental requirements"

HENRY P. SMITH (1962: 260): "Learning is the acquisition of new behavior or the strengthening or weakening of old behavior as the result of experience"

WOODWORTH (1945: 288): "Any activity can be called learning so far as it develops the individual (in any respect-good or bad) and makes him alter behavior and experiences different from what would otherwise have been"
KINGSLEY AND GARRY (2975: 12): "Learning is process by which behavior (in the broader sense) is organized or changed through practice or training)

PRESSEY, ROBINSON and HORROCKS (1967: 232): " Learning is an episode in which a motivated individual attempts to adapt his behavior as to succed in a situation which he perceives  as requiring  action to attain a goal."


For having insight into the concept of teaching, it is important to know the concept of the closely related term learning and also to think about its relationship with teaching.

Learning may be properly defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior (excluding the influence of growth, maturity or lesion). Teaching task or process is also related to realize the same object as may be clear from the definition of teaching given by Clarke (1970) i.e. " activities that ae designed and performed to produce change in student behavior"
It lead us to conclude that teaching consist of all those activities or system of actions that are intended to produce learning.

the question arises whether it is essential for all types of teaching to be ended in some kind of learning. Similarly, it is essential for the learning to be initiated or handled by some type of teaching. Honestly speaking, such type of cause and effect relationship does not exist between teaching and learning. It is not essential for a teaching to be ended with some kind of learning. Similarly, learning may also take place without involving the formalities of a teaching process

Teaching and learning are both regarded to to carry on an intimate relationship on account of their serving the same goal i.e. bringing the desired modification in the behavior of the learner. However, they cannot be taken as synonymous to each similar way, it is not essential for a teaching to come up with some learning and, in the similar way, it is not essential to a learning to be associated with some kind of both are meant for serving the same purpose, i.e. bringing desired modification   in the behavior of the learner, then it seems quite wise to make both as the equal partners in the process of teaching-learning instead of allowing them to struggle alone for realizing their objectives in their own independent ways.

The Relation of Teaching with other Similar Concepts

  • Teaching: as a whole, is aimed to brings changes in the behavior of pupils. These  changes may occur through (i) teaching them how to do or perform a task or act to a situation or stimuli.

  •  Conditioning: is lowest level or mode of teaching. A dog may be conditioned (taught)  to lift his paw when it hears a bell. Similarly many of the animals and human beings may be taught to respond to signals, alarms, signs, and warnings through conditioning.

  •  Training: is concerned with a little higher level of teaching than conditioning. It helps helps in shaping conduct and teaching various skills. A worker may be trained to perform certain task   requiring very specific skills.

  •  Instruction ad Indoctrination: both work on higher footing than conditioning and training as far as the involvement of intellectual  powers and mode of teaching are concerned but does not mean that they can be equated with teaching

  •  Instruction: in brief is mainly concerned with the development of knowledge and understanding in a individual about a thing, system or process. 

Concept of Teaching

Teaching is a triadic relation and tripolar process involving the source of teaching (human or material), student and a set of activities and designed and manipulated primarily to bing changes in the behavior of the student.

Nature and characteristics of teaching

The widespread notions about the nature and characteristics of teaching can be summarized ass follows

1. A complex social process: Teaching isa complex social phenomenon. It is greatly influenced by the social factors. the social factors. The social and human factors are dynamic and not static and therefore teaching is not a fundamental concept.

2. Both arts as well as science: Teaching is both arts as well as science, as silverman (1978) expresses in the following

to be sure teaching-like the practice of medicine- is very much an art which is say, calls for exercise of talent and creativity

3. A professional Activity:  Teaching is a professional activity involving the teacher and the student, and result in the development of the student

4. Output emanating from teacher: Teaching is what a teacher does with his student for causing the latter to learn something and is thus purely an outcome of the teachers efforts.

5. An organized system of varied action: Teaching is a system of actions that are varied in from and are related to content and pupil behavior in the context of prevailing physical and social conditions.

6. Amenable to scientific observation and analysis: What is going in a teaching can be observed, and analyzed and assessed through teacher behavior, pupil-teacher interaction and the changes brought in the behavior of the pupils

7. Highly dominated by communication skills: The flow of communication with in the teaching elements like teacher sources of teaching, student and the teaching activities make teaching a reality and a success

8. An interactive process: Teaching is an  interactive process carried out for the attainment for some specific purpose and objectives

9. Have various forms and styles: Teaching may ave various forms like formal and informal,  formational, and informational, directional, or instructional, training, conditioning, or indoctrination, telling, showing, or doing, description, or remedial, etc.

10. A specialized task comprising of different teaching skills: Teaching is a specialized task and may be taken as a set component skills for the realization of a specified  set of instructional objectives.